MegaMari: Marisa's Ambition
This ridiculous-looking password gives you access to Patchouli Castle
with no weapons obtained and only the Magic Broom collected. |
This Password gives Marisa all 8 Weapons, 4 Mushroom Tanks and access
to Patchouli Castle. |
This Password gives Alice all 8 Weapons, 4 Mushroom Tanks and access to
Patchouli Castle. |
This Password has all bosses beaten, gives you 3 Mushroom Tanks, 1 Star
Tank and access to Patchouli Castle.
Marisa weapons: Reimu, Cirno, Sakuya, Eirin.
Alice weapons: Remilia, Youmu, Yuyuko, Reisen.
Credit: KennyMan666 |
Password Generator
Credits and Special Thanks for this generator goes to the Maidens
of the Kalidoscope community, in-which this would not be possible to acquire
without them.