Power Shield パワーシールド |
6 |
You won't get knocked back when you've been hit. No recoil
whatsoever. |
Spare Extra スペアエクストラ |
6 |
You will start with 4 lives instead of 2. |
Shooting Parts シューティングパーツ |
6 |
You may fire up to 5 shots on screen. |
Energy Balancer エネルギーバランサー |
5 |
This will refill weapons while they're not equipped. |
Exit Parts イグジットパーツ |
4 |
You may exit any stage you've already beaten with this. |
Laser Shot レーザーショット |
5 |
Your charge shot will fire a giant enemy-piercing laser.
Arrow Shot アローショット |
5 |
Your charge shot will fire an arrow that splits if it hits
an object. |
Auto Shoot オートシュート |
5 |
Charge shots are disabled, as your buster will start auto-firing
instead. |
Step Booster ステップブースター |
5 |
You can climb ladders faster. |
Energy Saver エナジーセイバー |
6 |
This will increase the number of times a weapon may be used.
Super Recover スーパーリカバー |
5 |
Refill items will be worth more energy than usuall. |
Spare Charger スペアチャージャー |
4 |
This will give you a spare extra life when in need of it. |
Hyper Slider ハイパースライダー |
5 |
You'll be able to slide faster. |
Hi Speed Charge ハイスピードチャージ |
7 |
Your buster will charge up much faster. Very useful! |
Rapid Parts ラピッドパーツ |
6 |
3 shots will be shot with one button press. |
Boost Parts ブーストパーツ |
5 |
Your shots will be blue and fly faster on-screen. |
Exchanger エクスチェンジャー |
4 |
When you collect Life refills while your energy is full,
it will be converted to weapon refill instead. |